Privacy Policy

Version 1.0

We (“Company” or “We” or “Our” or “Us”) understand and acknowledge that your privacy is important to you. We are committed to protecting the privacy of your personally identifiable information obtained from you at various instances while you may access and use the Website at (“Website”) or while using Company’s mobile software application (“App”) or accessing any images, audios, videos, text, graphic, script, interactive features, applications, software, data feeds, services and any products provided to you on, from, or through the Website or the App (Collectively “Services”). The scope of Company’s commitment to protect your privacy is provided in this Privacy Policy. You expressly acknowledge that by submitting personally identifiable information while using the Website or the App, you agree to the terms and conditions, as described herein, for use of such personally identifiable information by Company. Please see our Terms of Service for more information about our on-line terms and policies for use of the Services.

Personally Identifiable Information

Company collects personally identifiable information on certain sections of the Website or the App when users register; or inquire about Services which are listed in the Website or the App or otherwise; or request for the purchase of Services; or for the access or download of Services of the Website or the App; or look for potential business opportunities with Company; or participate in any contest, events, assignments through the Website or the App; or participate in user posting areas of the Website or the App (such as bulletin boards, discussion forums, blogs and surveys), etc. The personal identifiable information includes:

  1. information collected when you use, register or visit the Website or the App, including your name and password, your employer’s name, your mailing address, email address, and phone number;
  2. information collected when you make a purchase including, your credit card number, Paypal account details and billing address. We do not receive any details of your debit card or net-banking account, and such details are processed through a third party payment gateway service provider without any involvement of the Company;
  3. if you become a Contributor (defined in Terms of Service), information collected when you sign-up as a contributor, including (i) banking and other financial information, such as paypal account details required in order for us to compensate you; (ii) your Income Tax Permanent Account Number or such other details required in order for us to prepare tax information slips; (iii) a copy of your photo identification; and (iv) copy of your residence address proof;
  4. for those of you applying for recruitment purposes or for exploring business opportunities with Company, the information collected from you may include any other personally identifiable information that you specify on your resume or profile as the case may be;
  5. your IP address, browsing pattern on the Website or the App, click stream data, HTTP protocol elements, and the status of cookies placed on your computer by Company.

Use of personally identifiable information by Company

Company may use your personally identifiable information while you access our Website or App and to fulfill your requests for Services. In the case of job seekers or persons looking for business opportunities with Company, the personally identifiable information may be used to evaluate any job applications, or to explore the opportunities for potential business associations with the person, as the case may be. We may keep your personally identifiable information in electronic, print and such other format as may be necessary from time to time, and use it to contact you, either through e-mail, phone, post etc., or to process your request or to apprise you of any new existing products or services that is offered or may be offered by Company. You expressly agree that Company can use your personally identifiable information for the purpose of apprising you with the various products and services offered by Company. Company also uses personally identifiable information to analyze the behavior of users in order to measure users’ interest in specific areas and information posted on our Website or the App. Company may use personally identifiable information collected from cookies and IP addresses as described below.

The Company shall use your credit card and other financial detail either itself, or through third party providers, to process and fulfill your order and to notify you of your order status. Credit card information will not be shared or sold to third parties, for any purpose, without your express permission, except as provided in this Privacy Policy.

Use of cookies by Company

A cookie is the information that a website or an app puts on your computer system through the browser so that it can remember something about you at a later time. Typically, Cookies contain information that identifies each user, for example: login or username, passwords, shopping cart information, preferences, and so on. When a user revisits a Website or an app, his or her computer automatically "serves up" the cookie, which establishes the user's identity, thus eliminating the need for the customer to reenter the information.

Company uses cookies to identify you and your interests and to track your use of the Website or the App. Company also use cookies to control access to certain content on our Website or the App and to process any subscription or service requests that you make with us.

The Website or the App uses web analytics services provided by various service providers. Such web analytics service provider uses cookies, to find out as to how users use the Website or the App. The information generated by the cookies about your use of the Website or the App (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by web analytics service providers on their server. The web analytics service providers will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the Website or the App and for providing other services relating to the Website or the App activity and internet usage. Such web analytics service providers may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on the behalf of web analytics service providers.

You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of the Website or the App. By using this Website or the App, you consent to the processing of data about you by web analytics service providers in the manner and for the purposes set out above.

Use of IP addresses

Company also logs IP addresses, or the location of computers on the Internet, to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer the Website or the App, and to serve content based on your IP address.

Registration and subscription for newsletter and alert

By signing up on Our Website or the App, you agree to receive on occasion newsletters, alerts, notification and other correspondence from Company or its agents. You may be contacted by e-mail or otherwise only by Company’s agents. If you do not wish to receive our newsletter after the first time, you can easily click unsubscribe at the bottom of the email and we will not send you any newsletters after that

It is mandatory for you to provide your e-mail address and such other information as may be asked during the registration process. We will send an e-mail to thee-mail address provided by you to confirm your registration. In addition, we may contact you regarding your account status.

Sharing of personally identifiable information with third parties

Company will not intentionally sell, share, or rent or otherwise make available any of your personal identifiable information to any third parties, except as provided here in this Privacy Policy.

Publicly available information: Certain information that you provide, such as your lists, profile name, profile picture, is publicly available unless you choose to make it private. You may control the information that is publicly available by signing into your account and adjusting your settings.

Aggregated information: We aggregate personal information into statistics about users, their usage of the Websites and the App, traffic patterns, and demographics. We may provide third parties, including merchants, partners and advertisers with such statistics, but never in a way that would make the information personally identifiable. This data is aggregated from numerous users who visit the Websites each month.

Anonymous Information: We may provide your anonymous use and browsing information, including the search queries that you enter or products that you view on our site, to third parties, which may include allowing merchants, partners and advertisers, to place cookies and/or web beacons on the Websites and/or clear gifs in our HTML emails to allow third parties to optimize and/or provide you with advertisements that are tailored to your interests.

Co-Branded Partners: Co-Branded Partners are third parties with whom we may jointly offer a service or feature. Information that you provide or that we collect on a co-brand page may be provided to both us and the Co-Branded Partner. In some instances we utilize framing techniques, which may make it appear that you are on our site when you are actually on a third party website, or may make it appear that you are on a third party website when you are actually on a Website. The privacy policy that governs the collection and use of the information will be present on these pages so you always know whose privacy practices govern the collection and use of the information that you submit. The Co-Branded Partner's privacy policy may apply to its use of your information.

Business Transfer and Affiliates: We may share your information with companies that are affiliated with us, that is, are our direct or indirect subsidiaries or parent or sister companies. As we continue to develop our business we might buy or sell business units. In such transactions, customer information is generally one of the transferred assets but remains subject to the provisions of any pre-existing privacy statement. In the event that we or substantially all of our assets are acquired, your information may be one of the transferred assets and we may share or assign it with an actual or potential acquirer.

Sharing of Information to Licensees and Contributors: If you purchase license for any Content (defined in Terms of Service) available on the Website or the App, your information, such as your name, address, e-mail address, phone number, etc. will be made available to the Seller/ Contributor (defined in Terms of Service) who owns controls such content, when you 1) add the content to a ‘lightbox’, 2) add the content to a shopping cart for future purchase, 3) license the content, or 4) download the content. Similarly, if you are a Seller or Contributor of any Content, your information, such as your name address, phone number, will be made available to the Licensee/ Buyer (defined in Terms of Service) who will purchase license in respect to Your Content.

Legal Requests: Company may if required by law, disclose any personally identifiable information of the users to any government authorities, investigating agencies, courts, tribunals etc. In the event of violation of any Terms of Service of this Website or the App by any user, including but not limited to violation of any restrictions on the use of Content or Services provided in this Website or the App, Company shall be free to use the personally identifiable information for the purpose of initiating any legal proceedings and investigation processes against the errant users.

Service Providers: Company may provide access to your personally identifiable information, to its third party service providers engaged by Company to provide services related to the Website or the App, such as for processing credit card transactions, sending emails, fraud protection and credit risk reduction, providing marketing assistance or analysis, etc. Your personal identifiable information are shared by Company to only such service providers who agree to maintain the confidentiality of the information of the users and use the personal identifiable information to provide services to the Company and not for any other purposes. Transfer of the information will only be made for one or more of the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. To the extent required by applicable law, the Company will: (i) assure an adequate level of data protection before transferring information by execution of appropriate data transfer agreements or confirming other controls, and (ii) establish that information will be made available to individuals within the recipient entities on a need-to-know basis only for the relevant purposes described in this Privacy Policy. You hereby consent to the transfer or sharing of your information by the Company in the manner provided herein above, including within inside or outside of your home country and you also hereby grant your consent to for use, process or sharing of the information in the manner contemplated in this Privacy Policy. We will not use or transfer information provided to us in ways unrelated to the ones described in this Privacy Policy, without also providing you with an opportunity to opt out of these unrelated uses.

Use of third-party Website or the Apps

Company while providing service to users may provide links to a third-party websites or apps. It shall never be deemed or implied that by providing such third party links on the Website or the App, Company endorses, recommends or sponsors such third party, the third party’s websites or apps, or the information contained therein, and Company shall not be responsible or liable for your use of such third party website or apps or any information, documents or products or services provided thereof. Use of links of third- party websites or apps shall be subject to the terms of Service and privacy policies applicable to those third- party websites or apps.

Surveys/ Events/ Contest

Company may disclose the identity and details of those users who will participate in any survey, events, contest or assignment conducted by Company from time to time, with its business partners who sponsor such events, contest, surveys or assignments.

User public forums, blogs etc.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to any information which if disclosed by the user could be open for public access on this Website or the App (such as posting on public forum, blogs, postings or content open for public view, etc.). You should be aware that whenever you disclose any information publically and online, that information could be collected and used by others. Company shall not be responsible for any action or policy of any third parties, who collect information that you disclose on any such forums on the Website or the App. In addition, Company may disclose your information in response to inquiries by bona-fide rights owners in connection with allegations of infringement of their copyright or other proprietary/ non proprietary rights arising from information that you have posted on the Website or the App or otherwise provided to Company.

Access, change, and/or deletion of information provided by the users

You may access, correct, delete and update any personally identifiable information that you submit to the Website or the App. You may unsubscribe from mailing lists or any registrations on the Website or the App in which event you cannot access information, documents, Services which are categorized to be used by registered users only. Further, Company in its sole discretion may delete the information provided by you or debar you from registering on the Website or the App or from accessing any section of the Website or the App. In the event you opt to delete, update or correct the personally identifiable information provided, you can do so by following the instructions provided for this purpose in the Website or the App or contact our Privacy Department at the address mentioned herein this Privacy Policy.


Company maintains generally accepted standards of technology in order to protect personally identifiable information of users from loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction. We strive to make certain that our servers and connections incorporate the latest encryption and security devices. To prevent unauthorized access, we have implemented physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect. We use a secure payment gateway to process your payments. Only authorized Company’s employees and third party agents and service providers are provided access to the personally identifiable information of users, and these employees, agents and service providers are required to treat this information as confidential. Despite these precautions, Company cannot guarantee that unauthorized persons will not obtain access to your personally identifiable information.

Change of privacy policy

By using the Website or the App, you consent to the collection, use, and storage of your personally identifiable information by Us in the manner described in this Privacy Policy and elsewhere on the Website or the App. Company may, in its discretion, amend this Privacy Policy from time to time, hence you are requested to check back the Privacy Policy at a regular interval.

Use of Company Web Website or the Apps

Your access to and use of the Website or the App are subject to certain terms and conditions, which are summarized in our Terms of Service.